Women’s Health Physiotherapy

Pelvic health

Women’s Health Physiotherapy – Things we Treat

Women’s Health Physiotherapy is the therapeutic treatment of pelvic floor dysfunction and disorders affecting the pelvis. This can include issues such as pelvic organ prolapse, incontinence, bladder or bowel dysfunction and pain.

Many women often delay receiving help for these types of problems due to feelings of embarrassment and/or being unaware that Women’s Health Physiotherapy is a treatment option for them. Despite this, specialist pelvic health physiotherapy treatment is often very beneficial for many women and may help reduce or even resolve symptoms. 

It is never too late to seek help regardless of length and severity of symptoms. We understand symptoms may co-exist and/or fluctuate.

We aim to provide a comfortable and safe environment to understand and treat the following conditions: 

Pelvic Organ Prolapse:






If you have undergone any of the following surgeries and require guidance and advice to ensure optimal outcomes or have any concerns with your recovery:

Our aim is to empower women, allowing them to regain control over their health and well-being, improving quality of life. 

Meet The Team